Root Canals

Root canal therapy is a procedure used to save an infected or severely damaged tooth. Common causes of a tooth needing a root canal include deep decay, cracks, or trauma to the tooth. A root canal procedure can take just one appointment with a dentist or endodontist, a root canal specialist. The tooth is first numbed and covered in a rubber sheet to keep it dry. The inside of the tooth is accessed by an opening made at the top of the tooth, through which instruments are used to remove decay, nerve tissue, and bacteria. The root canal system is disinfected, and the space is filled with material.

After a tooth has a root canal completed, your dentist usually recommends a crown to keep the tooth strong. After the treatment, the tooth may still be sensitive due to inflammation, but this should subside once the tooth fully heals.

There are a few symptoms you should keep in mind that could signal problems with your tooth that may need root canal treatment:

  • An abscess or pimple on the gum
  • Sensitivity to hot and cold
  • Severe Toothache
  • Swelling and Tenderness

These symptoms are not always present. Even so, a root canal is necessary. If ignored, it can lead to severe problems:

  • Infections or abscesses inside the tooth
  • Advancement of decay, which may cause the tooth to become not savable and need to be extracted

Our Process

A root canal procedure can take just one appointment with a dentist or endodontist, a root canal specialist. The tooth is first numbed and covered in a rubber sheet to keep it dry. The inside of the tooth is accessed by an opening made at the top of the tooth, through which instruments are used to remove the pulp, nerve tissue, and bacteria. If there is tooth decay, that too will be removed. Once the tooth is cleaned thoroughly, they will be sealed with a permanent filling or a temporary one if more appointments are needed. A cap may also be placed on the tooth to prevent it from breaking. After the treatment, the tooth may still be sensitive due to inflammation, but this should subside once the tooth fully heals.

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